
Astrology Consultations and Other Sessions with Dipali Desai

Get insight into questions your most pressing questions about yourself, life, and much more during a Transformative Astrology Consultation with Dipali. She works with people from all walks of life and has an international client base. Her work serves to empower individuals and help them awaken to their higher potentials or authentic Self. She blends astrology, intuition and higher guidance which delivers a wealth of insight that is tailored to the individual’s needs. 

The guidance is very similar to what you read on this Blog or the
Dipali’s Main Website:



What is Transformative Astrology? [read more]

Inquire about Fees for a In-depth Consultation – and for more info visit Dipali’s Website:

~ Natal (Birth) Chart

~ Transits (Current Trends) Chart

~ Solar Return Chart – (Birthday Reading for the Year)

~ Baby’s Light; Insight into Your Child

~ Relationship Guidance

It is suggested, to make best use of the session to be prepared with a focus or questions concerning your personal and spiritual growth. This branch of astrology and guidance session does not focus upon predictions or give information about others without their permission (who are not part of this exploration).

Session will Support:

* Acknowledge your real or authentic self
* Discover your innate strengths, weaknesses and gifts
* Navigate current cycles of opportunities, healing and challenges
* Deepen your awareness of current relationship processes
* Offers confirmation
* Gives direction during cycles of confusion or transition in life

– More Information on Consultations –


24 Hr. Cancellation Policy, Confidentiality, How to Set up, Fees, Payment Options, Method of Consultation [visit Dipali’s website:

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Quick, simple and safe to use – schedule and make payment all in one Dipali’s Online Booking System  to Schedule

If you enjoy the articles on this Astrology Blog, you will enjoy a Reading/Session with Dipali. Guidance is given in a similar way addressing various issues or topics and the matters of the Heart.


Interested in a In-depth Reading or Astrology Transit Consultation?

In-depth and personalized…. Transits/Update Astrology Consultation if you have had a Natal Chart done already, then this type of session would give you insight into the next few months. In this session, Dipali will be using Astrological language to describe what type of developmental cycles you are going through. A complimentary Mp3 Audio may be available for sessions 60 minutes and over.


Work with Dipali – details:   “PRESENCE” Spiritual-Intuitive Monthly Mentoring Package

Authentic :: Efficient :: Effective

After a Class, One to One Session or Astrological Consultation/Reading, many people choose to work with Dipali as their Intuitive Spiritual Coach and Mentor on a regular basis through this service. “Presence” Monthly guidance is designed to help you get move out of being stagnate, free from old pain, and offer clarity to be an active participant in your life and situation. Being in a repeated loop of loss, confusion and limitation creates a sense of powerlessness and knocks you out of alignment within yourself and potential. There are a limited amount of people that Dipali works with so that she is able to provide quality service to each client. This type of investment into your life, well-being and spiritual growth is extremely valuable.


“Dear Dipali,
In the time we have worked together within the monthly Mentoring service, I’ve been able to let go and heal enough to trust and bring unconditional love to aspects of myself and life that were non-existent or barely noticeable. Through the compassionate exploration and Guidance you share, I am now able to take a closer look at myself without being so hyper-critical and take greater self-responsibility in new ways. I’m witnessing massive changes and brand new creative opportunities show up without having to engage in the old way of hustling in 3D reality. Even my marriage and relationship with my partner and children has transformed, grown and healed. Lastly, where I felt unworthy, now I feel more worthy and because of that deep shift, my financial abundance is reflecting the expansion as a direct result of everything else. The inner and outer both growing together like you mentioned. I’m so very pleased and I hope others are equally inspired to work with you. All of this does require self-responsibility yet it is necessary! You are an inspiration to us all and above all a very humble Master Teacher and higher Channel who activates (beyond what we can even imagine) others to make real their potential in life. Working with you and the energies you channel, is a grounded way of living and being, which is why the potentials become so real and does not remain as information or “reading status.” The investment for this service is an investment into my authentic Self.

~ Thank you again and I look forward to more to discover.
Love and Gratitide  L.B

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